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Our 8 CurriculAR Goals

The World Outside Kindergarten Outdoor nursery Kidderminster Worcestershire Children writing

Settle In

Settle in and become confident within their environment


Follow a map or journey


Make a model using tools and natural resources


Balance along an obstacle course


Perform a song, dance or rhyme to music.


Find out the answer to a question we have asked.


Create our own story, play or show.


Write my own name.

The World Outside Kindergarten Outdoor nursery Kidderminster Worcestershire _ chidlren and guinea Pigs.jpg

Our Curriculum Goals
In DETail

1.Settle in and become confident in my environment

1st Milestone

  • Make relationships with adults especially ‘key person’

  • Confident to separate form parent or carer.

  • Where children need it, additional help and support will be offered promptly.

  • Play collaboratively.

2nd Milestone

  • Take part in imaginative play.

  • Communicate and negotiate with peers.

  • Engagement and perseverance grows.

  • Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.

3rd Milestone

  • Take part in more challenging activities

  • They talk about and reflect on their learning.

  • Provide comments and opinions on what they have done in their ‘Explorers Journal’.

  • Collaborate and negotiate positively.

Final Milestone

  • Final Milestone: Reflect on learning by acknowledging their strengths, difficulties, and aspirations.

  • Children show they are developing their metacognition and self-awareness.  

2.Follow a recipe

1st Milestone

  • Children become more precise in using scoops (filling the scoop carefully to the top)

  • They use a wide range of different-sized buckets, tins and other containers.

  • Children become confident in using tools at the snack table to prepare their own snack e.g. spreading butter on toast.

  • They follow simple recipes in areas such as the mud kitchen.

  • They use the following tools: wooden spoons, sieves, scoops, rolling pins, cookie cutters and knives.

  • With adult support, children mix different ingredients, including flour and water to make simple playdough.

2nd Milestone

  • Children become more precise in using scoops (filling the scoop carefully to the top)

  • They use a wide range of different-sized buckets, tins and other containers.

  • Children become confident in using tools at the snack table to prepare their own snack e.g. spreading butter on toast.

  • They follow simple recipes in areas such as the mud kitchen.

  • They use the following tools: wooden spoons, sieves, scoops, rolling pins, cookie cutters and knives.

  • With adult support, children mix different ingredients, including flour and water to make simple playdough.

3rd Milestone

  • As children become more independent, there is minimal adult support as they follow recipe cards and follow paint mixing cards.

  • In small group cooking activities, children follow the steps in making ‘damper dough’ with an adult.

  • They independently fill measures carefully to the top (teaspoon, tablespoon, cup etc).

  • They recognise the numerals on the recipe card.

  • When they count out quantities (e.g. 3 teaspoons of salt) they say the numbers in the correct order (1-2-3) and the know that the last number they say (3) is the total number of spoonfuls they have added.

Final Milestone

  • Children follow the steps of a recipe independently. They measure ingredients, mix them and create their own damper dough by placing the mixture onto a stick ready to be baked on the fire.

3.make a model using tools and natural resources 

1st Milestone

  • Children explore one handed tools such as scissors, knives for cutting and spreading, pouring from small jugs, and digging or stirring with spoons and trowels.

  • With adult support children begin to understand tools’ uses

  • Children explore joining materials together, such as tying string around sticks

2nd Milestone

  • Children confidently use one handed tools to change materials – such as using a potato peeler to peel a carrot.

  • With adult support children can combine actions such as holding and twisting or hitting, for example hammering nails into soft wood.

  • Children understand how to use the tools safely

3rd Milestone

  • With increasing independence children can select and use tools appropriately

  • Ideas can be developed so that tools are used for a purpose, such as “I’m making a house for a rabbit” or “I need to put wheels onto this car”.

  • Motor skills are refined so that children can use hammers, screwdrivers, drills etc.

  • Children have an idea of what they want their model to look like and can describe what they would need to change.

Final Milestone

  • Children can choose something they would like to make and select the materials and tools they will need. They are confident with joining materials together and can express opinions about what materials they would like to add, their purpose and what the finished item will be like.

4.balance along an obstacle course

1st Milestone

  • Children will balance along a rope on the ground with adult support

  • Methods of balancing are explored such as putting your arms out, or focusing on a point ahead of you.

2nd Milestone

  • Children will balance along a log / plank and jump off with minimal adult support.

  • Children can discuss how their body feels when balancing, for example “wobbly”.

3rd Milestone

  • Children will balance along a range of obstacles and jump off from a safe height independently.

  • Different items can be balanced on, such as stationary logs and ones that swing

Final Milestone

  • Children will create their own obstacle course with different natural objects (logs, planks etc) and will adapt it as they go along. They will demonstrate resilience and perseverance when they find parts challenging

5. perform a song, dance or rhyme to music

1st Milestone

  • Children develop their spatial awareness and enjoy moving to music, listening to rhymes/songs and join in with repeated words or actions e.g. ‘If you’re happy and you know it’

  • Children respond by moving their whole bodies to sounds they enjoy, such as music or a regular beat.

2nd Milestone

  • As children’s interest and understanding of music develops, they begin to move rhythmically and in response to the music they hear. They can use props such as ribbons or pom poms to create different actions.

  • children enjoy joining in with dancing and ring games. They can follow simple instructions such as “Clap your hands” or “Let’s turn around.”

3rd Milestone

  • As children become more confident in themselves and the space, they can follow a simple dance routine led by an adult. They can then perform their dance routine in front of a small group.

  • children explore a wide range of music from different cultural backgrounds and can describe the sudden changes they hear e.g. loud, fast, slow etc. They explore different ways of moving their bodies and can follow an adult’s lead.

Final Milestone

  • Children choose a piece of music individually or in a small group. They create their own dance routine, moving in time to the pulse of the music being listened to and physically responding to changes in the music, e.g. jump in response to loud/sudden changes in the music

6. find an answer to a question

1st Milestone

  • Children will use their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials.

  • Talk about what they see in the outdoor environment.

  • Talk about how things work.

2nd Milestone

  • Talk about the differences between objects and materials.

  • They will make comments about changes they notice using an increasing wide vocabulary.

  • Explore how things work for example a sieve in the mud kitchen.

3rd Milestone

  • Begin to understand the effect of the changing seasons on the natural world around them.

  • Talk about similarities and differences in environments.

Final Milestone

  • Children will describe what they can see, hear and feel whilst outside using a wide vocabulary. They will begin to ask questions and find the answer for themselves with support where needed.

7. create our own story, play or show

1st Milestone

  • Children may begin by pretend-playing on their own with toys like farm animals, wild animals, dinosaurs or Duplo people.

  • They may put on a costume to become a superhero or another character.

  • They are able to play with other children, developing the play together (e.g. deciding who will play what role in the home corner, or telling a story with the Duplo people where different Duplo people have different characters).

2nd Milestone

  • As children become more used to interactive reading, they ask questions and make links between what happens in the story and their own experiences.

  • Children join in with rhymes and songs e.g. repeating words or following actions.

  • Children play with props to retell/make up their own stories, including use of the ‘Helicopter Story’ approach.

3rd Milestone

  • They can make up their own story or ‘tell the story of their day in nursery’ with little prompting from the adult.

  • Use symbols and props

Final Milestone

  • Children develop the character, setting, problem and solution for their story. They tell their story to one or more people.

8. write my own name

1st Milestone

  • children can use the muscles in their hands and arms to make big movements and bring together hand and eye movements to fix on and make contact with objects.

  • Children will increasingly become confident in engaging in activities such as: throwing and catching balls, pushing the wagon, exploring a musical instrument, playdough and paint.

  • Where children need individualised and additional help, this will be offered promptly. Help includes: individualised support from key person; small group work; individual meetings with parents to map a way forward.

2nd Milestone

  • As children become more confident in making marks they begin to talk about their marks with others and give meaning to these e.g. “That’s mummy” or “It’s a dinosaur.”

  • Children will engage in a variety of ways to make marks e.g. making marks in dough/clay/sand, holding a paint brush to make marks or using chalk on the ground in the garden etc.

3rd Milestone

  • Children use their name cards repeatedly and become more confident in attempting to form letters.

  • Some children will begin to form recognisable letters.

Final Milestone

  • Children hold their pen or pencil with a comfortable grip. They write the first two letters of their name clearly and with correct directionality.

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